Thanks to the trust leaders in case study sites who kindly participated in interviews to inform this work. They were:
- Elizabeth Calder, director of performance and strategic development, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Matthew Kershaw, chief executive, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
- Peter Lewis, joint chief executive, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- James Lowell, chief operating officer, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
- Sharon Martin, director of strategy, digital and transformation, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
- Fiona Noden, chief executive, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
- Paul Scott, chief executive, Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
- Thea Stein, chief executive, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Neil Thwaite, chief executive, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Kate Vaughton, director of integration, East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Thanks also to trust leaders who participate in our place/system reference groups and reviewed a draft of this output and provided valuable comments.