- Two in five (39%) respondents said that they would benefit from additional support to maximise the effectiveness of their council of governors, which is lower than last year (47%). Just over a quarter (26%) said that they would not, up from a fifth last year (21%) and 10% said they did not know, similar to last year (7%).
If yes, please tell us more about what additional support would be helpful:
- Members emphasised the need for clearer guidance and consistent support as trusts adapt to system working and evolving partnership models. Many respondents expressed interest in understanding the responsibilities of governors within this context, with a number specifically mentioning the need to understand the governor role in group models. A few mentioned concerns regarding governors feeling a restricted sense of power, which can lead to disengagement, and called for strategies to better
empower governors. - Many respondents found NHS Providers' courses beneficial and expressed interest in expanding the range of available resources. Suggestions included creating a list of support options, more tailored online sessions, and resources focused on navigating the role of governors in systems.
“It is always helpful to help our CoG understand its position and responsibilities. As we move towards system working then it would be helpful for them to understand how this will effect [sic] the trust and what influence and involvement they will have.”
Company Secretary, Acute Trust
“In respect of their duties and responsibilities in relation to the integration work”
Company Secretary, Community Trust
“Support around the changes that group governance will bring to the role of the governors, and how changes in the role of regulator impact on FT freedoms and the role of governors.”
Company Secretary, Acute Trust
Councils and systems
- The most common way respondents are involving their governors in their system(s) is by providing council with information about system objectives and plans through the usual information channels (within trusts); close to two thirds (63%) are doing this. This was also the most frequently selected option last year, but it was less common then (55%).
- At least two in five respondents said they were enabling governors to meet up with other governors within the system(s) to receive information about the ICS (43%) and providing council with information about system objectives and plans directly from the system(s) (40%) to governors. Both methods were selected more frequently this year than in 2023, when both options were only selected by a quarter of respondents.
- One fifth (20%) say that the system(s) is keen to involve governors as part of its public/stakeholder engagement duties, a similar proportion to last year (21%).
Other (please specify):
“As the only FT within our system, it is sometimes a case of reminding other partner organisations of the governors existence, let alone statutory responsibilities, and the potential
benefit this could bring the ICS in tapping into the trust's wider membership”
Company Secretary, Mental Health/Learning Disability Trust
“Met with governors from the other FT within our provider collaborative”
Company Secretary, Combined Acute and Community Trust
“We discuss system issues with governors at CoG meetings.”
Chair, Combined Mental Health/ Learning Disability Trust and Community Trust