Our influencing work

NHS Providers' policy development and influencing work is focused on promoting and protecting our members' interests against a backdrop of a rapidly changing health and social care system, and an extremely challenging financial context.

We develop policy solutions grounded in practice, produced in partnership with our members, based on their experience and our wide-ranging knowledge of member needs and how services work.

Working closely with government, parliamentarians and industry regulators, our understanding of policy-making and the political context ensures that the voice of NHS public providers is heard at the highest levels.

NHS Providers is a politically neutral organisation and we work with parties from across the political spectrum. We attend the main party conferences to discuss key policy issues with party members and leaders.

Our influencing priorities

  1. Play a leading role in the conversation on reform, improvement and transformation of the health service, centred around patient needs.
  2. Advocate for investment in robust workforce planning and development as essential to providing safe, high-quality care.
  3. Make the case for better access to capital funding, the revenue funding needed to enhance productivity, and the importance of sustained whole system investment.
  4. Provide the frontline view on ongoing operational pressures, care backlogs and the impact of health inequalities.
  5. Help shape the landscape to enable trusts in systems and their partners to work collaboratively and deliver joined-up care for the communities they serve.

Our commitment to race equality and inclusive leadership across the NHS underpins and informs our work across each area.