Case study which looks at The South West London Acute Provider Collaborative's diagnostics programme.
A new case study exploring some of the benefits seen by Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust from building improvement capacity across the organisation.
A case study exploring how North Bristol NHS Trust reduced agency costs by £3.9m by introducing a higher bank shift pay rate to compete with off-framework agency rates.
This case study shows how Lancashire and South Cumbria Provider Collaborative are using shared patient tracking lists to manage waits.
Examples of health hubs, where trusts are delivering services within communities to improve patient access and experience
A deep dive into the Cheshire and Merseyside Acute and Specialist Trusts Collaborative
Our latest guide provides practical advice and case studies that board members can implement to address the challenges experienced by the internationally educated workforce.
A case study exploring how an external peer review, facilitated by the Leading Integration Peer Support programme, created an opportunity for everyone’s voice to be heard at One Gloucestershire ICS
This case study by our connect partners, Earnd reveals how on demand pay gives NHS staff financial flexibility.
Focusing on 'neighbourhood' level, this project draws together case studies on how more joined-up care has been delivered in four localities.
Helping spread learning from vanguards, we share nine case studies of new models of care in practice
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust share how they have involved governors in Greater Manchester devolution plans