
The Health Inequalities programme provides resources to support trusts to make sense of health inequalities and embed it as a core part of the board's business. The programme's blogs, guides, podcasts and video interviews are designed to share learning and good practice. Resources will be regularly added to this hub so please check back for updates.

You can learn more about the context in which the programme operates, and the current state of the nation in terms of health inequalities here.

If you have any case studies or resources you would like to share about your health inequalities work, please contact the team.

The role of trusts in addressing health inequalities

Health inequalities are the unfair and preventable differences in health outcomes between different population groups, such as those living in the most deprived areas and ethnic minority groups. Healthcare inequalities can be avoided by improving access to and experiences of services for all patients. NHS trusts play a crucial role in contributing this agenda by providing inclusive services. These resources make the case for why and how trust leaders can take action, including survey data from our members on the progress they have made.

Anchor institutions

To ensure inequalities are embedded as core business, workforces in providers and anchor institutions need to reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. Explore our resources on supporting these institutions in championing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives. Explore what role anchor institutions are actively addressing workforce inequalities, fostering an inclusive environment, and ensuring that every individual has equal opportunities to thrive in healthcare delivery and ensure the health and wellbeing of their local community.

Partnership and system working

To ensure high-level treatment and care, collaboration and integrated working between providers and the wider system is key. These alliances drive improvements in patient care, boost efficiency and strengthen the foundations of our healthcare system. Explore our resources on fostering partnerships and embedding 'system working' through shared practice and expertise.

Approaches for reducing health inequalities

As providers face unprecedented challenges in waiting lists, financial pressures and industrial action, it is essential to embed tackling the most disadvantaged groups within the strategies to face these issues. Explore our resources on the opportunities to tackle health inequalities head on across treatment and care delivery. Through sharing of best practice and solution-focused discussions, learn how providers are addressing these disparities to ensure no patient population is left behind.

Embedding prevention

To effectively address health inequalities, it is crucial for NHS trusts to proactively identify and act on the connection between preventing ill health and mitigating disparities between patient groups. This includes strategies in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, shedding light on how trusts can play a pivotal role in addressing each facet whilst taking into account variations across all sectors of care. 

Amidst the challenges of backlogs in urgent and elective care, there exists a unique opportunity for providers to not only ease burdens but also champion health equity. Explore our resources to understand how trusts embed preventative approaches. 

Contact us

If you have any questions about the programme and how it could support your trust, a case study to share, any speakers you would like to suggest for our upcoming events, or if you would like to speak with our team further about any of the resources, then please do get in touch. 

Email us