NHS Providers, the Local Government Association (LGA) and NHS Confederation have joined forces to deliver a range of free, bespoke support for local health and care systems through The Leading Integration Peer Support Programme. Utilising the expertise of our sector, our support will help you strengthen your leadership and accelerate your partnership ambitions at system, place and neighbourhood levels.
It is independent 'from and of the sector' and includes peer reviews, workshops, critical friend support, mentoring and best practice sharing, all delivered by peers with extensive expertise leading health and care. Of the bespoke support delivered in the past six months, 82% said that the support has had a positive impact on the quality of relationships within the system.
The peer support offer has been invaluable in moving us forward as a group. The peer associate played a key role both for me as chair and to the success of the group with his extensive experience across local government, the NHS and other public organisations.
Barnsley Integrated Care Partnership Group
Support can be focused on strategic aspirations or to explore the strengths or challenges of system leadership through the lens of a specific theme or challenge. For example:
“The standard of the facilitators was first class. Hugely experienced. Listened to what was needed and without being too directive or controlling shaped what was needed to engage the broad range of stakeholders we were trying to get all on the same page - no easy task!”
All of this support can take place virtually if required, and requests for peer-led support can be made and delivered at any level, whether that be system, place or locality. Funding for The Leading Integration Peer Support Programme comes from the Primary Care and System Transformation Group at NHS England and NHS Improvement.
If you have any questions about the programme, or would like to speak with our team further about any of the resources, then please do get in touch.