Health Inequalities: Addressing health inequalities as business as usual, February 2025
Date: 11 February 2025
Time: 10:30
Venue: Virtual event via Zoom
This virtual peer learning event will take place on Tuesday 11 February 2025 on Zoom from 10.30am – 12noon.
This event is open to all NHS Providers members, specifically members who are leading work on addressing health inequalities within trusts, foundation trusts and integrated care boards
This interactive online event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the extent to which trust leaders are able to create a business-as-usual culture for addressing health inequalities in their trust.
In March 2024, we published a guide for NHS trust board members on reducing health inequalities. It is a practical guide which outlines why trusts should act on health inequalities, it also includes a vision for what good looks like, a self-assessment tool for trusts to use to determine where they are in their journey and a list of suggested objectives for board members.
This peer learning event will provide an opportunity to reflect on what has worked well in terms of local implementation of the guide, and what is needed to further encourage action to reduce health inequalities. Interactive discussions with attendees will be used to inform and improve our support for members on health inequalities.
How do I book?
This event is free to attend.
Limited places are available for our peer learning events. Register now by using the button above to express your interest in our event. Please note this does not guarantee your booking as spaces are subject to availability.
Further details, including the agenda and joining instructions for the session, will be circulated in due course to those booked onto the event. Please do register your place to stay updated with event details.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Health Inequalities team.