Chairs and Chief Executives network, March 2025
Date: 13 March 2025
Time: 10:00
Venue: Central London, venue TBC
The next meeting of our Chairs and Chief Executives network will be taking place on Thursday 13 March between 10:00 - 15:30 in London.
An exciting agenda for this event is under development, and we will share more details in the coming weeks. The meeting will include:
- We will present a strategic policy update exploring the current political landscape and analysing what developments may mean for the provider sector. This will be followed by an interactive Q&A.
- Further sessions to be announced.
The meeting will be chaired by:
- Professor Sir Terence Stephenson, Newly Appointed Chair, NHS Providers
Who is it for?
- All chairs and chief executives of NHS trusts and foundation trusts.
- Interim, acting and assistant chairs and chief executives are also welcome to attend.
Why attend?
This member-only network provides you with opportunities to:
- Share ideas and exchange information.
- Hear presentations from peers and external bodies.
- Participate in panel discussions and roundtable sessions.
- Have open and honest discussions with peers (i.e. Chatham House Rule applies).
How do I book?
Attendance is free for all members, but you will need to book in advance to receive further event details. If bookings are open, please book using the link above. If you have any questions or would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact the networks team.