
At NHS Providers, we are committed to supporting members to lead for improvement. Our programmes help senior leaders at NHS trusts to develop their understanding of improvement at scale, both at trust level and beyond the boundaries of a single provider, building confidence in their role, championing and enabling progress.

Our trusted relationships with members enable us to take a facilitative approach, creating non-judgemental spaces where peers can step back, reflect, learn from each other’s experiences and take away practical insights to apply in their own roles.

Our support focuses on helping members address their key leadership challenges, with peer learning opportunities that reflect the different contexts in which improvement work is increasingly happening. It aligns with national policy, such as NHS IMPACT and the Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, and is delivered in partnership with expert organisations such as the Health Foundation and the Q community, which allows us to draw on significant improvement expertise.

Members have benefited from a range of practical support and development activities since our support offers for improvement first launched in 2020. Explore our knowledge hub for details of the latest programme, free for members to access, alongside existing board-level resources, and recordings of past events.




If you have any questions about the programme, or would like to speak with our team further about any of the resources, then please do get in touch.

Email us