On the day briefing: The Hewitt Review

In November, the Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, chair of NHS Norfolk and Waveney integrated care board (ICB) and deputy chair of the integrated care partnership (ICP), was  commissioned by the chancellor, the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, to lead a review into the role and powers of integrated care systems (ICSs).

The review was conducted with significant engagement with leaders from across health and social care and we had a welcome and constructive relationship with the review team on behalf of our members. NHS Providers has contributed throughout the review including: a submission during the formal call for evidence, discussion sessions with workstream leads, several meetings with Patricia Hewitt, and written feedback on various drafts of the report. Members’ views were sought throughout and we are grateful to all who contributed their perspectives either through NHS Providers or directly to the review team.

This briefing gives a summary of the review and NHS Providers' view.
