NHS Providers interim chief executive Saffron Cordery responds to a speech by the Prime Minister in which he set out a milestone for the NHS for 92% of patients to be seen within 18 weeks of referral.
NHS Providers interim chief executive Saffron Cordery responds to new data setting out the impact of winter pressures on the NHS
NHS Providers deputy chief executive Saffron Cordery sets out the latest findings of our annual State of the Provider Sector survey.
NHS Providers director of policy and strategy at NHS Providers, Isabel Lawicka responds to the ADASS autumn 2024 survey.
Care Plus Group chief executive Jane Miller discusses what makes her proud to work in community services and what can be done to empower them.
East Coast Community Healthcare CIC chief executive Ian Hutchinson outlines the importance of providing whole-person care in the community.
Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust chief executive Elliot Howard-Jones discusses his mission to be able to provide more care closer to home.
Nottingham CityCare director of nursing Judith Douglas tells us about her pride in how community services help the most vulnerable.
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust and Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust chief executive Matthew Winn discusses the high skills and specialism in community services.
Community providers say now is the time to be serious about making care closer to home a reality.
NHS Providers chief executive Sir Julian Hartley responds to a speech by the Prime Minister on the Darzi review and the latest NHS performance statistics.
Sir Julian Hartley shares why care provided by community health services must be at the forefront of the next government's plans for a sustainable NHS.